Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where is the book billy elliot set?

Is it

county durham


londonWhere is the book billy elliot set?
Billy Elliott is set in Easington Colliery, County Durham.

Parts of the movie with filmed in the A streets of the village - little miners' cottages. Many have since been pulled down, to make way for a big stretch of muddy grass!

Some small segments were also filmed in Dawdon, near Seaham, in County Durham. In one scene Billy is seen running round a corner... He actually runs from a street in Easington into a street in Dawdon - a distance of about six miles!

The actor who played Billy in the film, Jamie Bell, was born in Billingham, Teesside, which is about 20-odd miles from easington. he modified his Teesside accent, though, to make it more of a pit village one.
Newcastle, by the steel worksWhere is the book billy elliot set?
isn't it a movie?
Newcastle, Tyne and Wear. The accent gives it away.
newcastle i believe!!
Are we talking the same Billy Elliot of the film and musical fame?

If so - on the whole it is set in County Durham. London plays a feature at the end when we see a grown up Billy.

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