Monday, March 12, 2012

What broadway play would you recommend me to see next?

I am a 16 year old girl. I have seen:

wintuk cirque du soleil (not broadway)

radio city Christmas show (not broadway)

lion king

billy elliot

mamma mia



Thanks! what have you liked? and what would you recommend for me to see? thanks!What broadway play would you recommend me to see next?
Catch Me If You Can, Anything Goes and Memphis all seem like things you may like based off what you've seen, but you've also seemed to see all the popular "tourist" shows - which is fine, they're popular for a reason. How about Phantom? People think it's long and boring but it's really not true! Also, don't see Spiderman - the plot literally makes no sense and the show stopped in the middle.
Some excellent shows are In The Heights, The Little Mermaid, The Addam's Family, Hairspray, and Legally Blonde. Really, just about any Broadway show is fantastic.

Some of my friends were/are in the Broadway productions of Billy Elliot, White Christmas, and Mary Poppins, so I'd definitely recommend those. :)What broadway play would you recommend me to see next?
my favorite is The Addams Family
despite the bad critic reviews, the audience LOVES it
i'd also suggest
Avenue Q (off broadway- but was on broadway for over 10 yrs so tehcnically it IS a broadway show)
Catch Me if you Can
Anything Goes
I think it is currently a tour right now, but Mary Poppins is absolutely amazing! Also, Phantom of the Opera is a good classic if you are up for that style.
BILLY ELLIOT. and i also suggest "next to normal". its currently touring and it was an AMAZING show.
Website for tickets:

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